Tag: Current Affairs for UPSC

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 19/11/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 19/11/2024India conducts ‘historic’ flight test of hypersonic missile with a range of 1,500 km/भारत ने 1,500 किलोमीटर की रेंज वाली हाइपरसोनिक मिसाइल का ‘ऐतिहासिक’ उड़ान परीक्षण कियाNew infectious diseases among bees threaten world’s economies /मधुमक्खियों में होने वाली नई संक्रामक बीमारियों से दुनिया की अर्थव्यवस्था को खतराAs Delhi chokes, SC orders all curbs to stay till it lifts them, takes CAQM to task for delayed action /दिल्ली में घुटन के कारण सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने सभी प्रतिबंधों को हटाने तक जारी रखने का आदेश दिया, देरी से कार्रवाई के लिए CAQM को फटकार लगाईAs Chikungunya cases rise…

18 November 2024 – Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Stay ahead in your exam preparation with our Daily Current Affairs Quiz! Designed to keep you updated with the latest happenings around the world, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, including national and international news, politics, economy, science, technology, sports, and more. Why Take the Daily Quiz? Up-to-Date Knowledge: Keep your current affairs knowledge sharp with daily updates. Exam-Oriented Questions: Questions are framed to reflect the pattern and level of various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, and more. Improve Retention: Regular quizzing helps in better retention of facts and figures. Self-Assessment: Evaluate your performance and identify areas…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 16/11/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 16/11/2024President’s coalition sweeps Sri Lanka polls/राष्ट्रपति के गठबंधन ने श्रीलंका चुनावों में जीत दर्ज कीNo need for separate Central law to tackle crimes against health workers: NTF report /स्वास्थ्य कर्मियों के खिलाफ अपराधों से निपटने के लिए अलग केंद्रीय कानून की जरूरत नहीं: एनटीएफ रिपोर्टIndia says climate finance is not an ‘investment goal’ /भारत का कहना है कि जलवायु वित्त कोई ‘निवेश लक्ष्य’ नहीं हैA jumbo crisis in Madhya Pradesh /मध्य प्रदेश में जंबो संकटIndia needs a globally recognised public policy school /भारत को विश्व स्तर पर मान्यता प्राप्त सार्वजनिक नीति स्कूल की आवश्यकता हैCURRENT AFFAIRS…

16 November 2024 Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Stay ahead in your exam preparation with our Daily Current Affairs Quiz! Designed to keep you updated with the latest happenings around the world, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, including national and international news, politics, economy, science, technology, sports, and more. Why Take the Daily Quiz? Up-to-Date Knowledge: Keep your current affairs knowledge sharp with daily updates. Exam-Oriented Questions: Questions are framed to reflect the pattern and level of various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, and more. Improve Retention: Regular quizzing helps in better retention of facts and figures. Self-Assessment: Evaluate your performance and identify areas…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 15/11/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 15/11/2024AFSPA back in six violence-hit areas of Manipur /मणिपुर के छह हिंसा प्रभावित क्षेत्रों में AFSPA की वापसीThe discovery of insulin and the ‘Flame of Hope’ /इंसुलिन की खोज और ‘आशा की लौ’Borderless Europe fights brain drain as talent heads to the wealthier north /सीमाहीन यूरोप प्रतिभा पलायन से लड़ रहा है, क्योंकि प्रतिभाएं उत्तर की ओर जा रही हैंBubbling with life /जीवन से भरपूरBirsa Munda /बिरसा मुंडाA 2024 election result that leaves many astounded /2024 का चुनाव परिणाम जिसने कई लोगों को चौंका दियाCURRENT AFFAIRS – 15/11/2024 AFSPA back in six violence-hit areas of Manipur…

15 November 2024 – Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Stay ahead in your exam preparation with our Daily Current Affairs Quiz! Designed to keep you updated with the latest happenings around the world, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, including national and international news, politics, economy, science, technology, sports, and more. Why Take the Daily Quiz? Up-to-Date Knowledge: Keep your current affairs knowledge sharp with daily updates. Exam-Oriented Questions: Questions are framed to reflect the pattern and level of various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, and more. Improve Retention: Regular quizzing helps in better retention of facts and figures. Self-Assessment: Evaluate your performance and identify areas…

14 November 2024 – Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Stay ahead in your exam preparation with our Daily Current Affairs Quiz! Designed to keep you updated with the latest happenings around the world, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, including national and international news, politics, economy, science, technology, sports, and more. Why Take the Daily Quiz? Up-to-Date Knowledge: Keep your current affairs knowledge sharp with daily updates. Exam-Oriented Questions: Questions are framed to reflect the pattern and level of various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, and more. Improve Retention: Regular quizzing helps in better retention of facts and figures. Self-Assessment: Evaluate your performance and identify areas…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 13/11/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 13/11/2024NHRC directs official to fix dismal condition of schools /NHRC ने अधिकारियों को स्कूलों की दयनीय स्थिति को ठीक करने का निर्देश दियाDRDO carries out test of long-range cruise missile /DRDO ने लंबी दूरी की क्रूज मिसाइल का परीक्षण कियाIn Baku breakthrough, COP clears carbon credit trade /बाकू में सफलता, सीओपी ने कार्बन क्रेडिट व्यापार को मंजूरी दीScientists uncover a mix-up about Uranus /वैज्ञानिकों ने यूरेनस के बारे में गड़बड़ी का खुलासा कियाInter-State Council /अंतर-राज्य परिषदDebating the ‘healthy longevity initiative’ /’स्वस्थ दीर्घायु पहल’ पर बहसCURRENT AFFAIRS – 13/11/2024 NHRC directs official to fix dismal condition of…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 12/11/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 12/11/2024Will financial roadblocks continue to hinder conservation efforts? /क्या वित्तीय बाधाएं संरक्षण प्रयासों में बाधा डालती रहेंगी?A guide to COP29 climate summit jargo /COP29 जलवायु शिखर सम्मेलन की शब्दावली के लिए एक मार्गदर्शिकाGiving shape to India’s carbon credit mechanism /भारत के कार्बन क्रेडिट तंत्र को आकार देनाThe underbelly of Europe’s digital euro /यूरोप के डिजिटल यूरो का अंडरबेलीHokersar Wetland /होकरसर वेटलैंडEnding discrimination in prisons /जेलों में भेदभाव को समाप्त करनाCURRENT AFFAIRS – 12/11/2024 Will financial roadblocks continue to hinder conservation efforts? /क्या वित्तीय बाधाएं संरक्षण प्रयासों में बाधा डालती रहेंगी? Syllabus : GS 2 : International…

12 November 2024 – Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Stay ahead in your exam preparation with our Daily Current Affairs Quiz! Designed to keep you updated with the latest happenings around the world, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, including national and international news, politics, economy, science, technology, sports, and more. Why Take the Daily Quiz? Up-to-Date Knowledge: Keep your current affairs knowledge sharp with daily updates. Exam-Oriented Questions: Questions are framed to reflect the pattern and level of various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, and more. Improve Retention: Regular quizzing helps in better retention of facts and figures. Self-Assessment: Evaluate your performance and identify areas…