Pink Fire Retardent

Pink Fire Retardent The article examines the use of pink fire retardants in combating wildfires. Analysis of the news: What is Pink Fire Retardant? Pink fire retardant, primarily Phos-Chek, is a chemical solution used to slow or prevent the spread of wildfires. Its main component is an ammonium phosphate-based slurry, mixed with salts like ammonium polyphosphate. The solution is sprayed ahead of fires to coat vegetation and inhibit oxygen supply, thus reducing flammability. The bright pink color ensures visibility for firefighters, aiding in creating fire lines for containment. Effectiveness and Limitations While pink fire retardants are a long-standing firefighting tool,…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 13/01/2025

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 13/01/2025Kerala’s maternal mortality ratio climbs as fertility levels fall to a new low /केरल में मातृ मृत्यु दर में वृद्धि हुई है, क्योंकि प्रजनन स्तर में गिरावट आई हैAn unlikely mystery: studies shed new light on how genes are made /एक अकल्पनीय रहस्य: अध्ययनों से पता चला है कि जीन कैसे बनते हैंIMD: India’s weather tracker /IMD: भारत का मौसम ट्रैकरShould voter IDs be linked with Aadhaar? /क्या मतदाता पहचान-पत्र को आधार से जोड़ा जाना चाहिए?Pink Fire Retardent /गुलाबी अग्निरोधीIndia’s data protection rules need some fine-tuning /भारत के डेटा सुरक्षा नियमों में कुछ सुधार की आवश्यकता…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 11/01/2025

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 11/01/2025President Murmu’s invite for this year’s Republic Day reception set to honour crafts from South /राष्ट्रपति मुर्मू ने इस वर्ष गणतंत्र दिवस के स्वागत समारोह के लिए दक्षिण के शिल्पों को सम्मानित करने का निमंत्रण दियाTrump sentenced in hush money case /ट्रंप को चुप रहने के लिए पैसे देने के मामले में सज़ा सुनाई गई2024 was the first year to breach global warming limit, show data /2024 वैश्विक तापमान सीमा को पार करने वाला पहला वर्ष था, डेटा दिखाता हैNATO members reluctant to endorse Trump’s defence spending proposal /नाटो सदस्य ट्रम्प के रक्षा व्यय प्रस्ताव का…

11 January 2025 – Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Stay ahead in your exam preparation with our Daily Current Affairs Quiz! Designed to keep you updated with the latest happenings around the world, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, including national and international news, politics, economy, science, technology, sports, and more. Why Take the Daily Quiz? Up-to-Date Knowledge: Keep your current affairs knowledge sharp with daily updates. Exam-Oriented Questions: Questions are framed to reflect the pattern and level of various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, and more. Improve Retention: Regular quizzing helps in better retention of facts and figures. Self-Assessment: Evaluate your performance and identify areas…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 09/01/2025

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 09/01/2025Stampede at Tirupati /तिरुपति में भगदड़A.P. set to hold 3-day Flamingo Festival /आंध्र प्रदेश में तीन दिवसीय फ्लेमिंगो महोत्सव का आयोजनUnion govt. yet to wake up from its slumber on Dam Safety Act, says SC /बांध सुरक्षा अधिनियम पर केंद्र सरकार अभी भी अपनी नींद से नहीं जागी है: सुप्रीम कोर्टWhy is deciphering the Indus script important? /सिंधु लिपि को समझना क्यों महत्वपूर्ण है?Polar Vortex /ध्रुवीय भंवरThe right to food and the struggle with the PDS /भोजन का अधिकार और सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली के साथ संघर्षCURRENT AFFAIRS – 09/01/2025 Stampede at Tirupati /तिरुपति में भगदड़ Syllabus…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 08/01/2025

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 08/01/2025GDP growth projected to fall to four-year low at 6.4%GDP growth projected to fall to four-year low at 6.4% /GDP वृद्धि दर चार साल के निचले स्तर 6.4% पर आने का अनुमान हैजीडीपी वृद्धि दर चार साल के निचले स्तर 6.4% पर आने का अनुमान हैHow curiosity-driven research into a worm won four Nobels /एक कीड़े पर जिज्ञासा से प्रेरित शोध ने कैसे चार नोबेल जीतेThe latest science on climate change /जलवायु परिवर्तन पर नवीनतम विज्ञानEyeing green legacy, Biden declares new national monuments /हरित विरासत पर नज़र रखते हुए, बिडेन ने नए राष्ट्रीय स्मारकों की घोषणा…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 07/01/2025

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 07/01/2025U.S. to remove Indian entities from restricted lists, says Jake Sullivan /जेक सुलिवन ने कहा कि अमेरिका भारतीय संस्थाओं को प्रतिबंधित सूची से हटाएगाTwigstats: new tool reveals hi-res genetic view of people’s ancestors /ट्विगस्टैट्स: नया उपकरण लोगों के पूर्वजों के बारे में उच्च-रिज़ॉल्यूशन आनुवंशिक दृश्य प्रकट करता हैDecoding the National Anthem controversy /राष्ट्रीय गान विवाद को डिकोड करनाWhat is the human meta- pneumovirus? /मानव मेटा-न्यूमोवायरस क्या है?UJALA: 10 Years of Energy-Efficient Lighting /उजाला: ऊर्जा-कुशल प्रकाश व्यवस्था के 10 वर्षThe Collegium and changes — it may still be early days /कॉलेजियम और परिवर्तन – अभी भी शुरुआती…

08 January 2025 – Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Stay ahead in your exam preparation with our Daily Current Affairs Quiz! Designed to keep you updated with the latest happenings around the world, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, including national and international news, politics, economy, science, technology, sports, and more. Why Take the Daily Quiz? Up-to-Date Knowledge: Keep your current affairs knowledge sharp with daily updates. Exam-Oriented Questions: Questions are framed to reflect the pattern and level of various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, and more. Improve Retention: Regular quizzing helps in better retention of facts and figures. Self-Assessment: Evaluate your performance and identify areas…

Mains Answer Writing Practice – 07 Janaury 2025

Contents Mains Question Question 1 – General Studies- Paper IIQuestion 2 – General Studies- Paper IIMains Question  Question 1 – General Studies- Paper II 1. Critically examine the Supreme Court’s judgement on ‘National Judicial Appointments Commission Act, 2014’ with reference to appointment of judges of higher judiciary in India. भारत में उच्च न्यायपालिका के न्यायाधीशों की नियुक्ति के संदर्भ में ‘राष्ट्रीय न्यायिक नियुक्ति आयोग अधिनियम, 2014’ पर सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के निर्णय का आलोचनात्मक परीक्षण कीजिए। Question 2 – General Studies- Paper II 2. Discuss the challenges posed by the Supreme Court Collegium system in ensuring judicial independence and transparency. Suggest measures…

07 January 2025 – Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Stay ahead in your exam preparation with our Daily Current Affairs Quiz! Designed to keep you updated with the latest happenings around the world, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, including national and international news, politics, economy, science, technology, sports, and more. Why Take the Daily Quiz? Up-to-Date Knowledge: Keep your current affairs knowledge sharp with daily updates. Exam-Oriented Questions: Questions are framed to reflect the pattern and level of various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, and more. Improve Retention: Regular quizzing helps in better retention of facts and figures. Self-Assessment: Evaluate your performance and identify areas…