Tag: Heat Dome

Heat Dome

Heat Dome The entire western United States has come under the grip of a sweltering heatwave, which began last week. The scorching temperatures and dry conditions are a result of a heat dome centred over California. About Heat Dome: It is a weather phenomenon where a high-pressure system in the atmosphere traps warm air like a lid on a pot, for an extended period of time. As the warm air is not able to rise upward, the sky remains clear — clouds are formed under the opposite circumstances as the rising warm air cools down, and the water in it…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 12/07/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 12/07/2024Carrying 1,930 containers, San Fernando becomes first mothership to dock at Kerala’s Vizhinjam port / 1,930 कंटेनर लेकर सैन फर्नांडो केरल के विझिनजाम बंदरगाह पर डॉक करने वाला पहला मदरशिप बन गयाIndia hosts BIMSTEC Foreign Ministers amid raging Myanmar crisis / म्यांमार संकट के बीच भारत ने बिम्सटेक विदेश मंत्रियों की मेजबानी कीCentre begins efforts to implement Labour Codes / केंद्र ने श्रम संहिता लागू करने के प्रयास शुरू किएShould States get special packages outside Finance Commission allocations? / क्या राज्यों को वित्त आयोग के आवंटन के अलावा विशेष पैकेज मिलना चाहिए?Heat Dome / हीट डोमBreaking…