Valley Fever 

Valley Fever  Valley fever, a fungal disease endemic to the western United States, is seeing a significant rise in cases across California, prompting concerns among health officials and researchers. About Valley Fever:       Valley Fever, also called coccidioidomycosis, is an infection caused by the fungus Coccidioides.       The fungus lives in soil in some areas, including the southwestern United States and south-central Washington, as well as in parts of Mexico as well as Central and South America. Transmission:        People and animals can get Valley Fever by breathing in spores, generally from dust or disturbed soil, in areas where the…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 06/09/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 06/09/2024Kerala tops citizen-centric reforms categories in Centre’s latest rankings / केंद्र की ताजा रैंकिंग में नागरिक केंद्रित सुधार श्रेणियों में केरल शीर्ष पर हैClose ties between agencies globally needed to tackle new-age crimes, says official / अधिकारी ने कहा कि नए युग के अपराधों से निपटने के लिए वैश्विक स्तर पर एजेंसियों के बीच घनिष्ठ संबंधों की जरूरत हैWhat is vertical fiscal imbalance? / ऊर्ध्वाधर राजकोषीय असंतुलन क्या है?Can Kerala access funds from the Loss and Damage Fund? / क्या केरल हानि और क्षति कोष से धन प्राप्त कर सकता है?Valley Fever / वैली फीवरThe Food…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 05/09/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 05/09/2024Centre suggests measures to enhance security at hospitals /केंद्र ने अस्पतालों में सुरक्षा बढ़ाने के उपाय सुझाएWhat do we know about ANIIDCO? / हम ANIIDCO के बारे में क्या जानते हैं?In a time of turmoil and crisis, the stoic roadmap to a meaningful life / अशांति और संकट के समय में, सार्थक जीवन के लिए दृढ़ संकल्पित रोडमैपEthanol push turns India into corn importer, shaking up global market / इथेनॉल के बढ़ते चलन ने भारत को मक्का आयातक बना दिया है, जिससे वैश्विक बाजार में हलचल मच गई है Konyak Tribe / कोन्याक जनजातिGap between allocations for…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 04/09/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 04/09/2024World Bank hikes India’s economic growth forecast to 7% for 2024-25 / विश्व बैंक ने 2024-25 के लिए भारत की आर्थिक वृद्धि का अनुमान बढ़ाकर 7% कियाThe harm principle: how John Mill’s theory defines the extent of liberty / हानिकारक सिद्धांत: जॉन मिल का सिद्धांत स्वतंत्रता की सीमा को कैसे परिभाषित करता हैKavach expansion: Railways floats tenders worth over ₹2,200 crore / कवच विस्तार: रेलवे ने ₹2,200 करोड़ से अधिक के टेंडर जारी किएAmid high tensions with Israel, Iran’s missile programme comes into focus / इज़राइल के साथ उच्च तनाव के बीच, ईरान का मिसाइल कार्यक्रम…

04 September 2024 – Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Stay ahead in your exam preparation with our Daily Current Affairs Quiz! Designed to keep you updated with the latest happenings around the world, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, including national and international news, politics, economy, science, technology, sports, and more.   Why Take the Daily Quiz? Up-to-Date Knowledge: Keep your current affairs knowledge sharp with daily updates. Exam-Oriented Questions: Questions are framed to reflect the pattern and level of various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, and more. Improve Retention: Regular quizzing helps in better retention of facts and figures. Self-Assessment: Evaluate your performance and identify…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 03/09/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 03/09/2024Next-generation sequencing to map genetic blueprint of indigenous cattle / स्वदेशी मवेशियों के आनुवंशिक खाके का मानचित्रण करने के लिए अगली पीढ़ी की अनुक्रमणिकाHectic negotiations on for control of House panels / हाउस पैनल के नियंत्रण के लिए व्यस्त वार्ताUse of regional languages in HCs remains limited / HC में क्षेत्रीय भाषाओं का उपयोग सीमित बना हुआ हैWhat is the Unified Lending Interface by the RBI? / RBI द्वारा एकीकृत ऋण इंटरफ़ेस क्या है? Thanjavur Veena / तंजावुर वीणाThe Disaster Management (Amendment) Bill is knotty / आपदा प्रबंधन (संशोधन) विधेयक पेचीदा हैCURRENT AFFAIRS – 03/09/2024 Next-generation sequencing…

Odisha’s Bonda tribe

Odisha’s Bonda tribe Challenges: The Bondas face issues such as poverty, lack of education, and access to health facilities, and they are increasingly vulnerable to outsider exploitation and modernization pressures. Location: The Bonda tribe primarily resides in the isolated hilly regions of Malkangiri district in Odisha, especially in the Bonda Hills within the Eastern Ghats. PVTGs: Bondas are one of the 13 Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in Odisha, part of the 75 PVTGs identified across India. Ethnicity: They are part of the Austroasiatic language family and are among India’s most primitive tribes. Language: They speak the Bonda language, which…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 27/08/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 27/08/2024Education Ministry defines ‘literacy’, ‘full literacy’ in push for adult literacy / शिक्षा मंत्रालय ने वयस्क साक्षरता को बढ़ावा देने के लिए ‘साक्षरता’, ‘पूर्ण साक्षरता’ को परिभाषित कियाSpaceX to test new tech in risky private spacewalk / स्पेसएक्स जोखिम भरे निजी स्पेसवॉक में नई तकनीक का परीक्षण करेगाThe working behind some simple medical tools one sees in a doctor’s office / डॉक्टर के दफ़्तर में दिखने वाले कुछ सरल चिकित्सा उपकरणों के पीछे की कार्यप्रणालीRailways eyes nuclear energy / रेलवे की नज़र परमाणु ऊर्जा पर है Unified Lending Interface /एकीकृत ऋण इंटरफ़ेसCrime, health-worker safety and a self-examination…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 26/08/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 26/08/2024Warship INS Mumbai to make first visit to Sri Lanka today / युद्धपोत आईएनएस मुंबई आज श्रीलंका की पहली यात्रा पर जाएगाClassical language centres ask for autonomy / शास्त्रीय भाषा केंद्रों ने स्वायत्तता की मांग कीSonoluminescence a little light / सोनोल्यूमिनेसेंस की थोड़ी रोशनीFrequent mass wasting in Tibet a cause for worry in India / तिब्बत में लगातार होने वाली सामूहिक बर्बादी भारत में चिंता का विषयShompen Tribe / शोम्पेन जनजातिInvesting in persons with disabilities / विकलांग व्यक्तियों में निवेशCITES : International Organizations / CITES  : अंतर्राष्ट्रीय संगठनCURRENT AFFAIRS – 26/08/2024 Warship INS Mumbai to make…

26 August 2024 – Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Stay ahead in your exam preparation with our Daily Current Affairs Quiz! Designed to keep you updated with the latest happenings around the world, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, including national and international news, politics, economy, science, technology, sports, and more. Why Take the Daily Quiz? Up-to-Date Knowledge: Keep your current affairs knowledge sharp with daily updates. Exam-Oriented Questions: Questions are framed to reflect the pattern and level of various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, and more. Improve Retention: Regular quizzing helps in better retention of facts and figures. Self-Assessment: Evaluate your performance and identify areas…