Tag: RAO'S Academy

14 November 2024 – Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Stay ahead in your exam preparation with our Daily Current Affairs Quiz! Designed to keep you updated with the latest happenings around the world, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, including national and international news, politics, economy, science, technology, sports, and more. Why Take the Daily Quiz? Up-to-Date Knowledge: Keep your current affairs knowledge sharp with daily updates. Exam-Oriented Questions: Questions are framed to reflect the pattern and level of various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, and more. Improve Retention: Regular quizzing helps in better retention of facts and figures. Self-Assessment: Evaluate your performance and identify areas…

Hokersar Wetland 

Hokersar Wetland  Lack of water due to excess deficit rainfall at the Hokersar wetland in the Kashmir Valley in recent years has impacted the arrival of migratory bird populations in the region. About Hokersar Wetland: It is known as the ‘Queen Wetland of Kashmir’, Hokersar (also known as Hokera) is a designated Ramsar site located in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. It is a natural perennial wetland contiguous to the Jhelum basin. It gets water from the Doodhganga River (Tributary of Jhelum). It is located in the northwest Himalayan biogeographic province of Kashmir, back of the snow-draped Pir Panchal. Fauna: It…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 13/11/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 13/11/2024NHRC directs official to fix dismal condition of schools /NHRC ने अधिकारियों को स्कूलों की दयनीय स्थिति को ठीक करने का निर्देश दियाDRDO carries out test of long-range cruise missile /DRDO ने लंबी दूरी की क्रूज मिसाइल का परीक्षण कियाIn Baku breakthrough, COP clears carbon credit trade /बाकू में सफलता, सीओपी ने कार्बन क्रेडिट व्यापार को मंजूरी दीScientists uncover a mix-up about Uranus /वैज्ञानिकों ने यूरेनस के बारे में गड़बड़ी का खुलासा कियाInter-State Council /अंतर-राज्य परिषदDebating the ‘healthy longevity initiative’ /’स्वस्थ दीर्घायु पहल’ पर बहसCURRENT AFFAIRS – 13/11/2024 NHRC directs official to fix dismal condition of…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 12/11/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 12/11/2024Will financial roadblocks continue to hinder conservation efforts? /क्या वित्तीय बाधाएं संरक्षण प्रयासों में बाधा डालती रहेंगी?A guide to COP29 climate summit jargo /COP29 जलवायु शिखर सम्मेलन की शब्दावली के लिए एक मार्गदर्शिकाGiving shape to India’s carbon credit mechanism /भारत के कार्बन क्रेडिट तंत्र को आकार देनाThe underbelly of Europe’s digital euro /यूरोप के डिजिटल यूरो का अंडरबेलीHokersar Wetland /होकरसर वेटलैंडEnding discrimination in prisons /जेलों में भेदभाव को समाप्त करनाCURRENT AFFAIRS – 12/11/2024 Will financial roadblocks continue to hinder conservation efforts? /क्या वित्तीय बाधाएं संरक्षण प्रयासों में बाधा डालती रहेंगी? Syllabus : GS 2 : International…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 09/11/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 09/11/2024SC overrules 1967 verdict on AMU’s minority tag /सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने AMU के अल्पसंख्यक दर्जे पर 1967 के फैसले को खारिज कियाStaying cool, but with clean tech, global collaborations /शांत रहना, लेकिन स्वच्छ तकनीक, वैश्विक सहयोग के साथCaught IN THE cross FIRE /क्रॉस फायर में फंसनाTea industry calls for scientific quality grading /चाय उद्योग ने वैज्ञानिक गुणवत्ता ग्रेडिंग की मांग कीExercise AUSTRAHIND /अभ्यास ऑस्ट्राहिंडThe BRICS journey — gaining heft while in transition /ब्रिक्स यात्रा – परिवर्तन के दौरान वजन बढ़ानाCURRENT AFFAIRS – 09/11/2024 SC overrules 1967 verdict on AMU’s minority tag /सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने AMU के…

09 November 2024 – Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Stay ahead in your exam preparation with our Daily Current Affairs Quiz! Designed to keep you updated with the latest happenings around the world, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, including national and international news, politics, economy, science, technology, sports, and more. Why Take the Daily Quiz? Up-to-Date Knowledge: Keep your current affairs knowledge sharp with daily updates. Exam-Oriented Questions: Questions are framed to reflect the pattern and level of various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, and more. Improve Retention: Regular quizzing helps in better retention of facts and figures. Self-Assessment: Evaluate your performance and identify areas…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 08/11/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 08/11/2024All eyes on Baku and the climate finance goal/बाकू और जलवायु वित्त लक्ष्य पर सबकी निगाहेंCan the state acquire all private property?/क्या राज्य सभी निजी संपत्ति का अधिग्रहण कर सकता है?Are CSR contributions to agriculture properly tracked?/क्या कृषि में सीएसआर योगदान का उचित तरीके से हिसाब रखा जाता है?India should be part of RCEP, CPTPP : NITI Aayog CEO B.V.R Subrahmanyam/भारत को RCEP, CPTPP का हिस्सा होना चाहिए: नीति आयोग के सीईओ बी.वी.आर. सुब्रह्मण्यमKumbhalgarh-Todgarh Raoli Sanctuary/कुंभलगढ़-टॉडगढ़ रावली अभयारण्यIndia, Pakistan and modifying the Indus Waters/भारत, पाकिस्तान और सिंधु जल में संशोधनCURRENT AFFAIRS – 08/11/2024 All eyes on…

08 November 2024 – Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Stay ahead in your exam preparation with our Daily Current Affairs Quiz! Designed to keep you updated with the latest happenings around the world, this quiz covers a wide range of topics, including national and international news, politics, economy, science, technology, sports, and more. Why Take the Daily Quiz? Up-to-Date Knowledge: Keep your current affairs knowledge sharp with daily updates. Exam-Oriented Questions: Questions are framed to reflect the pattern and level of various competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, Banking, and more. Improve Retention: Regular quizzing helps in better retention of facts and figures. Self-Assessment: Evaluate your performance and identify areas…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 07/11/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 07/11/2024Donald Trump makes historic comeback, wins second term /डोनाल्ड ट्रम्प ने ऐतिहासिक वापसी की, दूसरा कार्यकाल जीताAnglo-Indian leaders call for restoration of reservation in Parliament and Assemblies/एंग्लो-इंडियन नेताओं ने संसद और विधानसभाओं में आरक्षण की बहाली का आह्वान कियाRNA editing is promising to go where DNA editing can’t /आरएनए संपादन वहां पहुंचने का वादा कर रहा है, जहां डीएनए संपादन नहीं पहुंच सकताCommon Cat /कॉमन कैटInternational Energy Agency /अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ऊर्जा एजेंसीWhat Trump 2.0 means for India / ट्रम्प 2.0 का भारत के लिए क्या मतलब हैCURRENT AFFAIRS – 07/11/2024 Donald Trump makes historic comeback, wins second…

CURRENT AFFAIRS – 06/11/2024

Contents CURRENT AFFAIRS – 06/11/2024SC upholds U.P. Madrasa Act; State has regulatory / सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने यूपी मदरसा अधिनियम को बरकरार रखा; राज्य के पास विनियामक अधिकार हैState has no right to acquire every private property, asserts SC /राज्य को हर निजी संपत्ति को अधिग्रहित करने का कोई अधिकार नहीं है, सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने कहाThe sun’s in a tizzy / सूरज अस्त-व्यस्त हैOn India-Canada diplomatic relations / भारत-कनाडा राजनयिक संबंधों परTumaini Festival / तुमैनी महोत्सवRising STEM research demands revitalised education / बढ़ते STEM शोध के लिए पुनर्जीवित शिक्षा की आवश्यकता हैCURRENT AFFAIRS – 06/11/2024 SC upholds U.P. Madrasa Act; State…